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Hopping on the band wagon here a little late again. Stranger Things has been on the tip of every ones tongues for the past month. The nostalgia 80’s fueled sci-fi has been a breath of fresh air for TV watchers who have been stuck re-watching Game of Thrones for the six billionth time, or are cringing yet again to hear Supernatural is still getting renewed. If by some miracle you haven’t watched this Netflix original series yet, please go do so… it will change your life. I will try to keep this post spoiler free for those who haven’t seen it.

After watching the show for the first time I was hopelessly addicted. I naturally have a habit of becoming invested in TV shows and fully engrossing myself in the content in as many ways as possible, so when presented with such a well made and gripping series it was easy to fall into the trap of obsession. I’ve been endlessly discussing it with friends, watching countless videos on YouTube (my favourites will be linked at the bottom of this blog post) and listening to The Clash on repeat. I know I’m not alone in this obsession, everyone I’ve introduced Stranger Things to has loved it almost as much as me; even my mum sat and binge watched 5 episodes in one sitting which is very uncharacteristic for her. With my mums intense reaction to the show I felt it was necessary to write a blog post on why I thought this show was such a success and so intensely addictive.



The Duffer Brothers, Stranger Things Premiere

First of all, the amazing writing and directing which comes from the Duffer brothers make it so easy to fall into the captivating world they have created. In only 8 episodes these talented writers make you fall in love with the characters. You can see clearly each characters motivations and personalities which drives the plot forward. Also the way these characters interact and come together into their teams and groups feels organic and real, unlike many shows that seem to force characters together for the sake of forcing the plot forward. This show is completely the opposite, the plot doesn’t forcibly manipulate the characters actions or emotions, the characters organically move the plot and story forward until it reaches it’s natural end. Outside of the characters that fill the world the Duffer brothers created, the story itself is imaginative, unique and has infinite layers; offering specific plot points and story lines that can appeal to a variety of audiences. Without giving too much away you have the group of children which operate within an 80s sci-fi genre, reminiscent of ET. You have the teenagers dealing with the typical teenage rom com, akin to the classic John Hughes flicks whilst also dealing with the classic horror genre like Nightmare on Elm Street. Finally you have the adults who are addressing the more serious underbelly of the plot, attempting to unravel the secrets and get to the bottom of what is happening. Towards the end of the season these three groups naturally come together enabling them to finally put all the pieces together and combat the issues they have been previous facing alone.
With such stellar storytelling it’s clear why Stranger Things earned a 90% on Rotten Tomatoes.


Other than the stellar writing, the style in which the story is presented creates a ping of nostalgia for all those who watched 80s films growing up. Although I myself was born in the 90s I still grew up watching films like E.T, The Goonies, Gremlins, Back to the Future, Indiana Jones etc. The soundtrack, wardrobe, props and setting all help to transport the audience back to the eternal decade that was the 80’s. The soundtrack of this show is amazing, with the opening theme being scored by Austin Band. The heavy synth and 80s classics are amazing and just really help provide emotion to the specific scenes they’re in. The soundtrack also helps define characters personalities and moods throughout. (if you have seen the show you will know what I mean – ‘Should I Stay or Should I Go’ anyone?) 


I feel like a lot of things I would address with this have already been said in countless videos and articles. It’s clear the 80s nostalgia trip is why Stranger Things has connected with so many on such a deep level, taking us back to simpler times when films weren’t all remakes and teachers could help kids without being accused of sexual abuse. (Mr Clarke, you’re the real MVP!) The Sci-fi horror genre that was so present in the late 70s and 80s has died down recently, with fantasy and drama being more popular with shows like Game of Thrones and Empire dominating the small screen in recent years. Stranger Things breathes new life into this genre, taking inspiration from this era that most say birthed some of the greatest books and films ever, with the likes of Stephen King and Ridley Scott permeating through the 80s. 
I feel this particular video addresses the epic nostalgia Stranger Things has to offer in a better way than I ever could.

Characters & Casting

At the core of all this storytelling and nostalgia you have a set of characters who each feel as alive and real as the next. The acting and casting of this show was spot on, with stars like Winona Ryder and David Harbour hitting it out of the park, delivering award winning performances as Joyce and Hopper respectively. But would we expect any less from such seasoned actors? It’s undeniable their performances were astounding and helped create such a connection to the characters, however in my opinion it’s the kids of Stranger Things that really stole the show. Unlike many child actors (child anakin anyone?) these kids delivered believable, layered and emotional performances that not only made us fall in love with their characters, but also the actors themselves. The script for these kids also has to take half the credit, ensuring these kids spoke and acted like real tweens would. I honestly could talk about how amazing these kids are all day, each have their own very real qualities and personalities, providing heart, comedy and innocence to the shows horror sci-fi backdrop. But it’s not just the kids we fall in love with, it’s everyone. Yes we might have favourites, and I’m sure a lot of people out there have strong opinions about the shows apparent love triangle between the teenage trio. But overall, there are characteristics in each individual character that we fall for and identify with. As I’m sure you’ve seen, the internet has gone mad for the character Barb, who is the character in the show the least, thus just showing how magentising these characters are to us the audience. I’m sure i’ve missed some key points but with talking about this show pretty much twenty-four seven it all gets a little blurred.


Overall, I just love this show so much. With the deep story line and endless questions that mean you can’t help but watch all 8 episodes in one sitting, amazing characters dripping in nostalgia and influences that just make our hearts melt. Stranger Things is undeniably going to be a cult classic in years to come, and I feel in my heart that season two will have so much more to offer in terms of story telling. I haven’t fallen in love with a show this much in a really long time, it’s inspired me in so many different ways; sprouted paintings and sketches, complex theories and the deep desire to marry Steve Harrington’s hair.

As promised, a few videos I think are especially cool. (WARNING: SPOILERS)

Found Flix – Stranger Things Ending Explained
Found Flix – More Stranger Things Mysteries
Found Flix – Stranger Things Season 2 Confirmed
TheWhyGuy – 50 Facts You Didn’t Know About Stranger Things
UPROXX – Could This Stranger Things Theory Be True?
Joey Pedras – Top 3-ish Stranger Things Theories
Planet Calvin – Stranger Things Theory
Pop Culture Mythology – The Mythology of Stranger Things